
We have just settled a whistleblowing case for a hard-working care manager who complained about her working hours and inadequate training at her workplace.

The employer denied that she had made any complaints (so it fell to a question of her word against theirs) and denied that they had dismissed her because of them, claiming that it dismissed her because of poor performance and redundancy (despite there not being much evidence of this).


She couldn’t bring an unfair dismissal case, because she didn’t have the two years’ service you need to do this.

The case settled on the day before the hearing for about 75% of what she was seeking. We advised that though she had a strong case, no case is 100% certain and we negotiated the employer up to £9,000 from a first offer of only £3,000 at the start of the case.

She would have received more compensation, but she had managed to minimise her losses by replacing her income well. Had she not done this, she might have been criticised by a tribunal.


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